Monday, May 7, 2012

Migrate SharePoint 2010 My Sites from default Web Application

Recently I had a client that had setup their "My Sites" in the same web application as their default intranet and wanted to move them to a new web application.
I found several posts on how to exporting my sites like this one and migrating My Sites to a new Content Database but none that actually tacked the issue of moving to a new Web Application.
Well this turned out to be easier than I thought.

  1. Migrate the "My Sites" content to a new content database.
    $db = Get-SPContentDatabase WSS_Content
    Get-SPSite http://portal/personal/* -Limit ALL | where { $_.ContentDatabase -eq $db }
    Get-SPSite http://portal/personal/* -Limit ALL | where { $_.ContentDatabase -eq $db } | Move-SPSite -DestinationDatabase WSS_Content_My_Sites -Confirm:$false
  2. Remove this new content database from the current Web Application.
    In Central Admin -> Application Management -> Manage content databases. Select Content DB, in my case WSS_Content_My_Sites and select Remove content database

  3. Create a new Web Application to house the My Sites.
    Central Admin -> Application Management -> Managed web applications -> Select New from the ribbon.  There is no need to create a new site collection since we are going to drop the content database that will be created.
  4. Re-attach the content database previously removed to this new Web Application
    Central Admin -> Application Management -> Manage content databases.
    Make sure you select the correct Web Application and use the correct database name.

  5. Set the Self-Service Site Creation for the new My Site Web Application.
    Central Admin-> Application Manager -> Manage web application -> select site then Self-Service Site Creation in ribbon
  6. Update links in SharePoint to create new "My Sites" in this new location.
    Central Admin -> Application Management -> Manage service applications
    Select User Profile Service then Manage in the ribbon
    Under My Site Settings -> Setup My Sites -> update My Site Host location
  7. Remove the content database that was created with the new "My Site" Web Application

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