Thursday, September 11, 2014

Select all items in a MultiLookupPicker

I had a client that wanted all options in a multi-select lookup field to be selected when a new item was created

Then the user could deselect what they did not need, more common to need all. Well it turns out you can't specify the default values for a multi-lookup field.

I came across this post from Bil Simser (thanks) that gave me the ideas for this JavaScript function to select all the possible options in a specific MultiLookupPicker item.  The argument is the name of the field you want to select from, there could be more than one on the page.

jQuery.fn.exists = function () {
    return this.length !== 0;

SD.SP2010.MultiLookupPicker.SelectAll = function(pickerTitle) {
    if (jQuery("[id$='_SelectCandidate'][title^='" + pickerTitle + "']").exists()) {
        // append the new options to our results (this updates the display only of the second list box)
        jQuery("[id$='_SelectCandidate'][title^='" + pickerTitle + "']").children().detach().appendTo("[id$='_SelectResult'][title^='" + pickerTitle + "']");
        var data = jQuery("[id$='_SelectCandidate'][title^='" + pickerTitle + "']").closest("table").siblings("[id$='MultiLookupPicker_data']").val();
        data = data.replace( /\|t \|t /g , "");
        // append the new options to our hidden field (this sets the values into the list item when saving)   
        jQuery("[id$='_SelectCandidate'][title^='" + pickerTitle + "']").closest("table").siblings("[id$='MultiLookupPicker']").val(data);

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Using SharePoint CSOM to access a list's information using folder/internal name

Been quite some time since I posted anything but I could not find any place on the net that talked about getting a SharePoint list using the CSOM and the lists internal/folder name.   I finally came up with this kludge using the SPService, but basicly what I am doing is searching the default view URL for the list folder name.

The reason I needed to do this was I had a client request to setup alerts form one list that had URLS that pointed to another list. The alerts really needed to be on the referenced list and not what the user was currently selecting in the list view.

    operation: "GetListCollection",
    async: false,
    completefunc: function (xData, Status) {
        $(xData.responseXML).find("List").each(function() {
            if ($(this).attr("DefaultViewUrl").indexOf(listInternalName) >= 0) {
                 listName = $(this).attr("Title");
                 listId = $(this).attr("ID");

Hope someone else finds this useful.